Pre-Check Screening & Scanning
Because it is in everyone’s best interest that your documents are expedited quickly and efficiently, we are happy to offer a free document pre-screening service.

This will check to make sure that all preparation steps have been completed properly. In addition to ensuring that no problems will arise later in the process, this pre-screening also allows us to accomplish some of the necessary preparation before we receive your original documents.

This is a time-saver on both ends and can mean the difference between being able to return your documents the same day we receive them and having to wait until the following business day.

If you would like to take advantage of this service, fax only the pages where there is a notarization (or those that have been signed and sealed by a State official) to 212-598-4083 or email a scanned to [email protected]. In addition to the relevant pages of your document, please include a cover sheet that includes your name, contact phone number, and the name of the country where you would like your authenticated documents used.

After reviewing the notarizations and other components of your documents, we will contact you whether the document is ready for authentication or if any changes need to be made.

If your notarizations include an embossed/raised seal, please be sure to darken the raised portion with a pencil or ink before sending your fax.