Document Types


Adoptions, Affidavits, Agreements, Amendments, Articles of Incorporation, Assignments, Authorization to Conduct Business in Foreign Countries, Awards


Bank Letters, Baptism and Confirmation Certificates, Bill of Sale, Birth Certificates, ByLaws


Certificates of Amendment, Certificate of Birth Abroad, Certificate of Dissolution, Certificate of Existence, Certificate of Good Standing, Certificate of Incorporation, Certificate of Non Marital Status, Certification of Disillusionment, Certificate of Surrender, Certified Copy, Confirmation Judgments, Corporate Documents


Death Certificates, Deeds, Deeds of Assignment, Degree Certificates, Designations, Diplomas, Distributorship Agreements, Divorce Decrees


Education Documents, Export Documents, Formation Articles, Good Standing Certificate, Identity Documents, Incorporation Documents, Invoices, ISO Certificates, Job Certifiaction


Legal Documents, Letter of Debt, Letter of Invitation, Licenses, Mandates, Marriage Certificates, Merger Agreements


National Identification Certificates, Naturalization, Notary Oaths


Official Personel Records, Passports, Patent Applications, Permits, Police Records, Report of Birth Abroad, Power of Attorney, Private Documents, Professional Licenses, Proof of Citizenship, Proof of Ownership


Qualification Letters, References, Related Articles, Restated Articles, School Records, Statement of Designation, Statement of Information, Single Proof Letter to Marry, Statements, Statement of Conversion


Trademarks, Titles, Transcripts, Wills

Official Documents include:

  • Any document issued by an authority or by an official covered by a jurisdiction of the State, including those coming from the public prosecutor, a clerk of the court or a bailiff.
  • Administrative documents such as deeds from the public records office.
  • Notarial deeds.
  • Official declarations such as references of registration, visas for a set date and certifications of signature, applied to private agreements.